[VRchat] Puffer fish suit
- ダウンロード商品All avatar¥ 2,200
- ダウンロード商品Kikyo [1.0.0]¥ 1,200
- ダウンロード商品Selestia [1.0.0]¥ 1,200
- ダウンロード商品Maya [1.0.0]¥ 1,200
- ダウンロード商品Karin [1.0.0]¥ 1,200
- ダウンロード商品TubeRose [1.0.0]¥ 1,200
- ダウンロード商品YUGI_MIYO [1.0.0]¥ 1,200
- ダウンロード商品Mamehinata [1.0.0]¥ 1,200
- ダウンロード商品Rindo [1.0.0]¥ 1,200
이용약관 / 利用規約 / Terms of service https://qpandorap.booth.pm/ --- Avatar --- Kikyo : https://booth.pm/ko/items/3681787 Selestia : https://booth.pm/ko/items/4035411 Maya : https://booth.pm/ko/items/3390957 Karin : https://booth.pm/ko/items/3470989 TubeRose : https://booth.pm/ko/items/4193460 YUGI_MIYO : https://booth.pm/ko/items/4358508 Mamehinata : https://booth.pm/ko/items/4340548 Rindo : https://booth.pm/ko/items/3443188 --- Please shader --- ⁕ liltoon shader : https://booth.pm/ko/items/3087170
이용약관 / 利用規約 / Terms of service
--- Avatar ---
Kikyo : https://booth.pm/ko/items/3681787
Selestia : https://booth.pm/ko/items/4035411
Maya : https://booth.pm/ko/items/3390957
Karin : https://booth.pm/ko/items/3470989
TubeRose : https://booth.pm/ko/items/4193460
YUGI_MIYO : https://booth.pm/ko/items/4358508
Mamehinata : https://booth.pm/ko/items/4340548
Rindo : https://booth.pm/ko/items/3443188
--- Please shader ---
⁕ liltoon shader : https://booth.pm/ko/items/3087170